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Sunday, January 3, 2016

A New Year!!

Well here we are in the new year of 2016. I don't know about you, but 2015 went by very fast. This past year was a rather stressful and sad one for me. I had a hip replacement in June, which went very well, but nun the less a bit stressful leading up to the surgery. I have been very blessed with good health up to the time my hip started bothering me. By the time I had my surgery, it had become very painful, making it rather difficult to take care of my horses and well just about everything!  But, with Gods help I was able to carry on until time for the surgery. Then in Oct I lost my only brother very expectantly and suddenly to cancer. The holiday's were a bit sad for me, I miss him very much!! It was only the two of us so we were pretty close. I am really having to call on my faith to get thru losing him.

I am looking forward to this new year. I have several quilts in mind that I want to make. The first one that I am going to start on is a BOM from Keepsake Quilts that I am going to make for my youngest granddaughters new room. It is very different from anything I have ever made before. It is piecing and applique, it should be fun and a challenge.  My love for working with wool has grown, so I am going to definitely be working with wool this year. I am looking into starting a mini wool  project of the month club at my studio. If anybody out there has ever done anything like this, I would love to hear your input on how to do this. Thanks!

I am also going to be more diligent about trying to get some more UFO's done!!! Who knows, this might be the year that I actually get close to getting caught up. My goal is to be more disciplined about wanting to do all the new things that come along.

Wishing all out there a very Happy New Year, full of love, friendships, good health and lots of time to sew.

Blessings to All

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