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Saturday, December 26, 2020

 A Few of The Santa's I Have Made Over the Years

Here it is the day after Christmas 2020. It seems with all of the time it takes getting ready for this special day, the day it's self goes by so quickly. I know this year was a very different one for all of us. Many were not able to be with loved ones which really put a downer on celebrating this year. I had a few friends that didn't even put up a Christmas tree or any decorations at all. I find this so sad. We choose to go ahead, as always, and put up our little tree and decorations thru out our home and even some outdoor lights. It did me good to have the house look so cheery with the greenery and other decorations. I do have to admit that I didn't put out everything. This was not because of the covid19 issue, but because I am getting older and what comes out, must be packed up and put back. This week between Christmas and New Years is a time for me to just relax and enjoy some reading, catching up on flosstube and getting some stitching done. Oh yes and eating those yummy leftovers. 

I know this is rather late, but here are a few pictures of some of the Santa's I have made through out the years. It is so much fun getting them out each year and remembering the fun I had making each on of them. 

This is the little tree I have in kitchen. I decorate it with dried apples and oranges and of course popcorn.

This pattern is called Santa Barry, he is one of my favorites.

                                             I wish I had not used the jute for this ones beard! 

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.
We now can look forward to a new year and pray that it will be much better than this one has been, and that life can get back to normal once again.